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Speaker Series: Invisible Influence: Three Hidden Forces That Empower Extraordinary Growth During Turbulent & Uncertain Times

  • 24 Jan 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Join us via zoom!


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Invisible Influence: Three Hidden Forces That Empower Extraordinary Growth During Turbulent & Uncertain Times

With Esther Weinberg

As organizations have become more matrixed, influencing and communicating your ideas have become more complicated. Add in hybrid work, newly reorganized teams, the latest addition of leaders with new or unclear roles and responsibilities and a lack of spontaneous hallway interactions, getting visibility today could be nearly impossible. The old formulas for how to get your ideas through, and influencing across the organization has been permanently altered.

Change and disruption have impacted everything and as a Talent Management leader, becoming an expert in leaning into being more of a consultant to the business all while inspiring people to fresh ideas and cross functional partnering is vital to thriving in this new environment. Influencing is more nuanced today, and there are so many more people and concealed stakeholders who now have buy in to an idea. The paradox is to reveal your opportunity to influence the key is being visible. Being visible affords you the opportunity to have influence with the right people at the right times. Visibility is the key leadership currency today that unlocks influence into inspiring and making and impact.

Join leadership expert Esther Weinberg as she reveals the hidden forces that empower extraordinary growth during turbulent and uncertain times including:

  • Identifying your mutual “Passion Centers” to hone in on your common ground to get your voice heard.
  • Develop strategies for gaining influence with those who seemingly have more power and authority than you.
  • Increase your impact even with those who share contrarian views.

Your level of influence won’t dynamically increase simply because you are present in virtual meetings or doing your work. If you want to have influence you must be visible. Being masterful at growing your visibility, knowing where the power dynamics lie in your organization and having the ability to create connections and inroads quickly with people that have influence is where you can create more leverage for yourself regardless if you work in an office or connect virtually.

About Your Speaker

Esther Weinberg is a business growth accelerator that equips executives in high-growth industries to create big pivots, big impact and big returns. As Founder & Chief Leadership Development Officer of The Ready Zone, she powerfully fast tracks an organization’s progress by focusing on The Ready Zone’s six Zone Performance Indicators (ZPIs), that are paramount to profitable growth. Esther’s innovative strategies have assisted clients to grow, scale and thrive in the worst and best of times including Netflix, NBCUniversal, Microsoft, CNN, Disney and Sony. The Ready Zone is both certified woman owned and LGBTQ+ owned business. Esther is a contributor to Forbes and the host of the podcast, Deeply Simply Human. Esther is the Co-Founder of the being Me Foundation.    

The ATD Austin Chapter has been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute to offer educational programs that can be used towards initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials. This program qualifies for a maximum of 1 point.

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